The greatest benefit to the
"Articulated Displacer"
rotary compressor is

Comparison of Power Efficiency
Graph of wasted power from existing rotary compressor designs.

FIG. 4 & 4A illustrates the wasted power with a conventional rotary compressor. Fig. 4 represents one level of output, while Fig. 4A represents the same compressor's wasted power when the outlet pressure is decreased. 
Three cross-section areas show "wasted power areas". First the gas is compressed from inlet pressure and then to a higher pressure until any point on the rotor has advanced to the outlet port where the compressed gas is discharged into the outlet passage where it then drops down to the outlet pressure. Compressing gas from one pressure to another requires energy. Any induced pressure above the outlet pressure line is wasted power. This wasted power is denoted "wasted power area 1". As any point on the rotor passes and blocks the outlet port, gas is again compressed by a small amount. This wasted power is denoted "wasted power area 2". At the point of maximum pressure there is still a small amount of volume containing high pressure gas in the expansible chamber. As the rotor moves toward the inlet port the trapped gas expands and helps to drive the rotor until the inlet port is uncovered; at which time there is an abrupt drop of the high pressure gas down to the inlet pressure line. Since this pressure drop is not used for a useful purpose, it is considered wasted power. This wasted power is denoted "wasted power area 3".
Same graph (as above) but this graph represents the "Articulated Displacer" Rotary Compressor

Fig. 5 & 5A represents the same outlet pressures (as above) but show the outlet of the "Articulated Displacer" rotary compressor. This graph shows NO wasted power because with this design, wasted power is so low as to actually be considered negligible. 

Comparison of Volumetric Efficiency

The 2 drawings above represent the existing style rotary Compressor and the new "Articulated Displacer" rotary compressor. Notice that the inlet area of the "Articulated Displacer" rotary compressor (area A) has a 70% greater volume than the inlet area of the existing style rotary compressor (area B). This is achieved with the exact same size bore.

It is needless to point out that this increased volumetric efficiency, along with the increased power efficiency, can greatly reduce the overall size requirements of the compressor. One could easily introduce a smaller "Articulated Displacer" rotary compressor to fulfill the same requirements of an existing rotary compressor. Add to this the decreased maintenance costs (as discussed on Tech Page 1) and you have a breakthrough design!